XOXX Composer - make music differently


Bryan Maniotakis

February 26, 2024

XOXX Composer - make music differently

As soon as I saw the XOXX Composer, I wanted to play with it immediately.

It completely re-invents music production by offering a completely novel interface, which results in an experience of exploration and play.

So what is this thing? It's a 16 step sequencer, made with eight revolving discs and magnetic ball bearings. Instead of fiddling around in software, you attach the ball bearings on the rotating wheel using magnets, which triggers a midi note when it passes over the base of the unit.

Various controls allow you to speed up or slow down the rotating wheel, allowing you to dial in the sounds to your liking.

I absolutely love the playfulness, and overall design of the XOXX Composer. Anything that encourages exploration for people with any skill level is always going to be a plus in my book.

Music made with the XOXX Composer

Since the XOXX Composer is all midi based, you're able to easily connect it to any DAW of your choosing, where you can further refine and develop the sounds. Here are some example tracks made with the XOXX Composer.

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