Bacco Barstool

Bacco Barstool

Design Within Reach



Omar De Biaggio got his start by cold-calling furniture stores and wholesale dealers he found listed in Elle Décor magazine. A handful agreed to see his prototypes, so he jumped in his car and drove to meeting after meeting. After his career-changing road trip, De Biaggio returned home with commissions for 300 chairs. “When you show something to passion-driven people who understand why you designed it, and it finds a place in their hearts, then your product will be successful,” says the designer. Omar De Biaggio named his Bacco Stool (2013) after Bacchus (Bacco in Italian), the Roman god of wine, because it’s a source of relaxation, a way to enjoy a well-deserved rest after a hard day’s work. “This is a multipurpose, modern and elegant chair,” says the designer, “with soft lines and, above all, a cozy shape, thanks to 3-D molding technology.” The result is a curved shell that looks delicate but withstands frequent use, padded with crushproof rubber foam for additional comfort.


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